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Now 80% off all evaluations!

If you want to pick up some inexpensive funded trading accounts, here is your chance.

Apex Trader Funding is offering an 80% discount through December 17th! Use Promo Code GPIKXDEO at checkout.

You can still pick up 20 trading accounts with a total value of $6 Million. Now you can trade the Futures Market with someone else’s money.

Apex Trader Funding Details:

  • Code: GPIKXDEO

  • 80% off all evaluations

  • Pass In 1 Day!

  • Until EOD on December 17th Only!

  • Take up to 20 Evaluations

  • Activation is also discounted to $125 for ALL Account sizes!

  • Withdrawals now lightening fast

  • If you fail your evaluation, to reset the account is only $50. Now that’s a deal!